Saturday, October 1, 2011
[Info] The Lucky Mermaid hits Port!
Legend has it that the Lucky Mermaid brings Empire Points where it docks! So do whatever you can to keep it in your empire, before someone else snags it! The Lucky Mermaid brings it’s own Mini-Campaign, with a bi-branched quest tree! The quests accomponied with this campaign are significantly higher than previous missions, so make sure to finish them all up before time runs out!
Once you load your game, you should notice a pop-up prompting you that the Lucky Mermaid has laid anchor, afterwords you’ll find the wonderous ship, somewhere in your Harbor!
Once you click on the Lucky Mermaid, you’ll see that there are two branching quest paths in the campain. One tends to favor those who like war and battle, while the other favors more social acticities like neighbor visits, asking your allies for supplies, etc. However, be careful once you choose a path, you can not go back and choose another until you complete the quest chain!
If you complete all the missions in the given time, you’ll receive not only Empire Points, but the grand prize, The Golden Mermaid ship! This is not a battle unit, it’s a wonderous decoration that you can keep and show off to all your friends, and make them envy!