Monday, August 15, 2011

Empires & Allies UPCOMING Trade Port!

                            If you remember a while back we looked at a possible addition to the game: Gems. We all wondered what they would do, out best guess is that we will be using it in a possible new building/feature called the Trade Port!
Image 60.png

The main way we think that it will work is sort of like the market that is already in the game, but with the possibility of trading one item for another. There are rumors for this is that you will collect gems from a Gem Mine building and then “trade” them for other materials and items. Rumors have it that it will work sort of like the market that is already in the game, but with the possibility of trading one item for another. This seems pretty exciting, so lets keep waiting and see how it will all happen!

This is unreleased game content that may or may not be released into the game, we will post more information as we get it. All information and details are subject to change.

Questions: Do you think this is a good idea? What do you think the Trade Port will do?